The Global Consciousness Project

What is the nature of Global Consciousness?

Ways to Help the Global Consciousness Project

The Global Consciousness Project is the work of professionals from several fields, all contributing time and expertise on a volunteer basis. There are substantial equipment and running costs which are paid from donations. The network of recording sites is made up of individuals who can host a computer with the necessary software. Programming skills and time are needed to manage, process, and analyze huge amounts of data in order to answer the questions for which the project is designed.

We are grateful for all kinds of support, including both spiritual and material contributions. We consider your good will to be of great importance to the project. Beyond this, in the material category there are three excellent ways for you to participate and help the GCP:

Use PayPal to make a donation for quick and simple contributions. The donate button provided by PayPal allows one to use credit and debit cards in addition to using a PayPal balance, and you do not need a PayPal account to make a donation using PayPal.

PayPal donate tracking pixel

Thank you very much for your support and contribution to the project.
For more information, email: Roger Nelson. Please let me know if you have any difficulty.